
Hi! I’m Faith, and I’m a Rilakkuma fan.

I run a tumblr called Rilakkuma Lifestyle, where I post pictures of Rilakkuma doing various things. I also have a tumblr full of Rilakkuma GIFs, if you’re into that sort of thing. There’s a Rilakkuma instagram for silly Rilakkuma photos, too.

I’m based out of Florida, and I’m passionate about Rilakkuma plushes, collaboration goods, authenticity, and details.

Got questions? Contact me at rilakkumalifestyle@gmail.com.

I try as much as I can to source all the images on the blog that aren’t my own (mainly San-X promotional materials) – clicking on any image will take you to its source. I do not hotlink. If you click on photos I took myself, you will simply be taken to a page with the image alone.

Rilakkuma & friends (and products) are all property of San-X; I just like to take pictures of my plushies and talk about Rilakkuma things.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: Rilakkuma: Upcoming releases | Everyday with Rilakkuma feels happy like a Rainbow!

    • Haha so the exact reason is unknown, but one popular story is that Rilakkuma is a character wearing a bear suit (may not be a bear himself), so the zipper in the back represents an extension of that. Lots of the illustration books have Korilakkuma showing her mischievous side by stuffing toys into Rilakkuma’s zipper pocket haha.

      But personally, I just think San-X kind of added that as a gimmick to make Rilakkuma stand out from other bear/teddy bears haha. I know there’s tons of official media showing that he has a bear suit bc he regularly launders it but honestly, Rilakkuma being anything other than a bear (like something else just wearing a bear suit) is a little unsettling to me. I agree that it makes for a very cute and inconspicuous wallet!!

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